
Tasty Gluten-Free Oat Bran Bagel Recipe + Nutrition Facts

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    Gluten Free Oat Bran Recipe Overview

    Preparation Time: 1 hour | Cook Time: 25 minutes | Total Time: 1 hour and 25 minutes

    Recipe review: This gluten-free oat bran bagel recipe was a surprise. It's is both healthful and simple enough to bake quickly. The dish is straightforward and involves just a few readily available items. When I followed the instructions exactly, the bagels turned out golden brown and soft and chewy on the inside. My family does not generally eat gluten-free, but they appreciated these bagels just as much as any other type of bagel we've tried.

    Making gluten free oat bran bagels is a great choice if you want to provide your family with a nutritious and tasty on-the-go breakfast.

    These delicious bagels are simple to make and require just a few ingredients compared to more complicated bagel baking. 

    Plus, they’re packed with fiber and nutrients, which will keep you sustained all morning long.

    What is oat bran and why is it good for you?

    Oat bran is the outer layer of the oat grain, and is high in fiber. This valuable component can help to improve heart health by promoting regularity and digestion, as well as lowering cholesterol levels.

    Oat bran can also be helpful in improving cholesterol levels and overall heart health.

    In addition to being a good source of nutrients such as magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc, oat bran is also an excellent source of dietary fiber.

    Including oat bran in your diet is a simple way to increase your intake of important vitamins and minerals. A single ounce (28 grams) of oat bran provides over 50 percent of the DV for magnesium, more than 20 percent of the DV for phosphorus, and over 10 percent of the DV for zinc.

    Oat bran may be used in lieu of or in addition to other grains in recipes. If you’re looking for a robust breakfast option that doesn’t need toasting, consider adding it to muffins instead of bagels. This bran is often included into bread dough before to baking to provide a little sweetness.

    Are oat bran bagels healthy?


    Oat bran is a whole grain that provides important nutrients like fiber and protein. Bagels made with oat bran are a good choice for breakfast or afternoon snacks because they’re low in calories and fat, and can help you stay feeling full longer.

    They are low in fat and calories, and may keep you feeling full for a longer period of time. 

    They’re extra simple to prepare, and can be eaten as is or with your favorite bagel toppings like raspberry cream cheese, peanut butter, or fresh local jams.

    Consuming oats bran on a regular basis can help promote overall health by providing essential nutrients such as fiber and vitamins and minerals that are necessary for optimal bodily function

    Are oat bran bagels gluten free?

    Looking for a gluten free and healthy breakfast option? 

    Be careful with oat bran in bagels, because not all are gluten-free.

    To ensure your bagels are safe for those with celiac, be sure to use oats labeled as certified gluten-free and processed in a facility that does not process wheat products.

    Important: You’ll also want to make sure that the recipe does not contain any wheat products. Many recipes for bagels with oat bran use oat bran as more of a garnish and not a base ingredient. Those bagel recipes will have wheat flour as a base ingredient.

    What do gluten free oat bran bagels taste like?

    Gluten free alternative oat bran bagels are made with rolled oats instead of wheat flour, which gives them a chewy texture and a nutty flavor.

    When done right, gluten free oat bran bagels are a perfect meal to chew on if you’re gluten intolerant because they don’t contain any gluten-related ingredients. A perfect quick breakfast grab for anyone on a gluten-free diet!

    Plus, they’re easy to make at home in your own oven.

    Let us show you how.

    Gluten Free Oat Bran Bagel Recipe

    Yum, it’s time to grab your apron and bake some delicious oat bran bagels!

    Here’s an easy gluten-free recipe for oat bran bagels that’s as healthy as they come.


    • 1½ cups warm water
    • 1 tablespoon sugar
    • 2¼ teaspoons active dry yeast
    • 3 tablespoons olive oil
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 4 cups gluten free oat bran flour
    • 1/4 stick butter

    Step-by-Step Recipe Instructions

    • In a large bowl, whisk together the warm water, sugar, and yeast.
    • Let the mixture sit for about 5 minutes until it becomes foamy. 
    • Stir in the olive oil and salt. 
    • Gradually add in the oat bran flour until the dough is wet but not too sticky. You may need to add more or less flour depending on the humidity of your environment.
    • Knead the dough for about 10 minutes. 
    • Place the dough on a lightly floured surface and divide into 12 equal pieces. 
    • Shape each piece into a medium sized ball and then flatten slightly with your hand. 
    • Place the bagels on a greased baking sheet and let rise for about 30 minutes before baking.
    • Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown (exact times will vary depending on your oven).
    • Remove from the oven and brush each bagel with melted butter.
    • Allow your oven-fresh bagels to cool down for at least 10 minutes before serving. 
    • Share with family and friends immediately, or store in an air-tight container for up to a week

    Other Oat Bran Bagel Nutrition Facts And Calories

    Oat bran is a good source of dietary fiber and has many health benefits.

    Oat bran bagels are low in calories and fat, and are a healthy choice for breakfast or snacks.

    Oat bran bagels are easy to make at home, and you can control the ingredients and nutrition content. To make them gluten free, substitute the white or wheat flour in most recipes for certified gluten-free oat bran. Or, make your life easy and use our recipe above!

    Average Caloric Breakdown

    Below is the average calories and caloric breakdown for one GF oat bran bagel:

    Calories: 120 calories.

    Fat: 1 gram of fat

    Carbohydrates: 24 grams

    Dietary fiber: 3.5 grams

    Vitamins and Minerals

    Oat bran bagels are a good source of B-vitamins, iron, magnesium, and other essential minerals like phosphorus.

    In addition, oat bran is a good source of antioxidants like avenathramide and lignans which can have anti-inflammatory properties.

    Oat bran is also a good source of soluble and insoluble fiber, which can help to regulate blood sugar.

    Not In The Mood For Baking? Order From A Local Bagel Shop

    If you’re not in the mood to make your own bagels, you can order gluten free oat bran bagels for delivery from a local bagel shop near you.

    Tasty Gluten-Free Oat Bran Bagels

    Making gluten free oat bran bagels is a great choice if you want to provide your family with a nutritious and tasty on-the-go breakfast.

    Type: Breakfast

    Cuisine: American

    Calories: 120 Calories

    Preparation Time: PT1H

    Cooking Time: PT25M

    Total Time: PT1H25M

    Recipe Ingredients:

    • 1½ cups warm water
    • 1 tablespoon sugar
    • 3 teaspoons olive oil
    • 2¼ teaspoons active dry yeast
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 4 cups gluten free oat bran flour
    • 1/4 stick butter

    Recipe Instructions: In a large bowl, whisk together the warm water, sugar, and yeast. Let the mixture sit for about 5 minutes until it becomes foamy. Stir in the olive oil and salt. Gradually add in the oat bran flour until the dough is wet but not too sticky. You may need to add more or less flour depending on the humidity of your environment. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes. Place the dough on a lightly floured surface and divide into 12 equal pieces. Shape each piece into a medium sized ball and then flatten slightly with your hand. Place the bagels on a greased baking sheet and let rise for about 30 minutes before baking. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown (exact times will vary depending on your oven). Remove from the oven and brush each bagel with melted butter. Allow your oven-fresh bagels to cool down for at least 10 minutes before serving. Share with family and friends immediately, or store in an air-tight container for up to a week

    Editor's Rating:

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